Monday, June 20, 2011

Day 24 - In the land where the signs flock like the salmon of Capistrano

Today was long. I had a headache for most of the day... it must be Monday.

I got home from work and took a little nap. I'm feeling great.

Today's post doesn't have much substance, I just wanted to display some pictures of signs I have taken since I've been here. I don't know why... but signs are funny to me.

On the parking meters. "All may park, all must pay"
I thought that was implied. This sign is unnecessary. 

I think this is instructing people to keep dogs on a leash. They should be more clear. Perhaps it is instructing people to properly train their dogs or perhaps this is a form of propaganda indicating that bigger dogs like labs are superior. Perhaps I'm looking too much into it.

I gotta play my ball.
I am a baller after all.

There are lots of signs like this that make you feel bad if you do something contrary. As if you are spitting on the constitution if you litter. (I'm not saying you're not)
I like the middle logo/emblem thing here, I think it's indicating littering. They really need to be more clear.

Again, signs that guilt you.... it works. I did not want to disrespect those who served.

Translation: Don't put coins in the fountain, put them in the donation box at the exit of the exhibit.

This has been posted previously, but its a classic.

Haters. There is good reason with this sign, this is at Arlington National Cemetery. Jogging would be inappropriate. Its funny that they have to even have a sign. This indicates that there has been a jogging problem in the past.

This reminds me of a classic movie quote, "Oop... I almost forgot. I won't be able to make it fellas. Veronica and I trying this new fad called uh, jogging. I believe it's jogging or yogging. it might be a soft j. I'm not sure but apparently you just run for an extended period of time. It's supposed to be wild."

Another repeat, but funny. To learn more about this sign, scroll down.


A big sign at the ballpark

Hitler propaganda sign in a museum I visited.

This might be my favorite sign of all. This is the most popular license plate of Washington DC. 
If you don't know, Washington DC is not a state, therefore they are not represented in Congress with Representatives or Senators, yet they still pay taxes. There have been many attempts to make DC a state or at least gain a representative, but attempts have failed. The government wants to maintain DC as a neutral land. The city does however have a Mayor and city council.
This phrase, "Taxation Without Representation" was of course an instrumental phrase/slogan in the early days of this land as America was a colony of Great Britain. They were taxed, but got no representation in parliment. The bitterness lead to the Boston Tea Party and eventually a major revolt that lead to the independence of this land. (tear) 
Needless to say, I hope the residents of DC do not revolt and shoot me with a musket.

This is just a fraction of the classic signs I have seen. I'm sure there will be more to come.

1 comment:

  1. Dude, Shawn, I love your posts. These signs are a riot. The "no littering" sign above could also be interpreted as "don't feed the birds" or "don't toss handfuls of small pebbles."
